DIY or Professional Help: Handling Roof Leaks After a Storm

Should You Tackle Roof Leaks on Your Own or Call in the Pros?

After a storm passes, discovering a leak in your roof can be a distressing reality. Whether to handle the repairs yourself or call in professional roofing help is a crucial decision that homeowners must face. Here’s how to decide the best approach after storm damage.

Assessing the Damage

First, safely assess the extent of the damage. Small leaks might be manageable DIY projects if they require simple fixes such as applying sealant or replacing a few shingles. However, extensive damage, such as multiple leaks or structural compromise, definitely requires professional intervention.

Consider Safety and Expertise

Roof repairs can be hazardous. Without the proper safety gear and roofing experience, attempting repairs can lead to accidents or further damage to your roof. Professional roofers have the necessary equipment and expertise to diagnose and fix leaks safely and efficiently.

Understanding the Nature of the Damage

Storm damage can often be more severe than it appears. What might seem like a minor leak could be indicative of more significant issues, like structural weaknesses or compromised water barriers. Professionals can conduct a thorough inspection to uncover all storm-related problems.

Long-Term Costs

While DIY repairs might seem less expensive, incorrect or temporary fixes can lead to higher costs in the long run due to water damage or the need for more extensive repairs later. Hiring professionals ensures the job is done right the first time, potentially saving you money and future headaches.

Compliance with Building Codes

Repairing storm damage often requires adherence to local building codes, which can be complex. Professional roofers are familiar with these regulations and can ensure that your roof repairs meet all legal requirements, avoiding potential fines or complications with insurance claims.

Insurance Claims

If you plan to file an insurance claim for storm damage, professional assessments and repairs are usually necessary. Insurance companies often require detailed reports and may not cover DIY repairs. Professional services can provide the documentation needed to support your claim effectively.


For minor leaks, a DIY approach might be sufficient, but for more extensive damage, safety concerns, compliance issues, or insurance claims, professional roofing help is advisable. Experts bring the necessary expertise, equipment, and understanding of building codes to ensure that your roof is repaired effectively and safely.

For immediate service or consultation, you may contact us at Allied Emergency Services, INC.

Contact Information:

Phone: 1-800-792-0212


Location: Serving Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana with a focus on the greater Chicago area.

If you require immediate assistance or have specific questions, our human support is readily available to help you.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. For professional advice, consult experts in the field.


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